Dance Seblang not the only Indonesian traditional dance held as an expression of gratitude for the fertility of crops they earn. In Javanese culture, whose names are known Mataraman Village Net ceremony. In the non-Javanese culture Mataraman, also known Alms Earth ceremony. In Bugis-Makassar, there is a ceremony called Mappalili. In the culture of Dayak Kenyah tribe located in East Kalimantan, there are also ceremonies called Lepeq Majau fertility. In Bali there Mungkah ceremony, or Load Emping Mendak Sari Sari Ngaturan.
Fertility symbol is represented by a figure called the beautiful goddess Dewi Sri. Other regions, other rice and also a symbol of fertility. In Javanese culture, there is a symbol called Nini Thowok. In the Sundanese culture, known as the goddess named Nyi Pohaci Sangiang Sri Dangdayang Tisnawati. In the Dayak culture, rice and fertility symbols denoted by Bini Kabungsuan characterizations.
Dewi Sri cultural figures in fertility is sacred. Folklore each region also has a different version of this goddess. In the folklore of Sunda, Dewi Sri is born from an egg from the tears of a god called Dewa Anta disabilities. It is said that the Goddess was so gorgeous, king of the gods; Bathara Guru, falls in love and wanted to marry her. But the intention was thwarted by the other gods by killing Dewi Sri and buried in the earth. A few days later, from the tomb appeared several types of food crops. From the head Therefore, they coconuts. From the eye, grow ordinary rice. From his chest, appeared glutinous rice. From privates to grow palm trees and the other part comes from the grass. Events in other areas, almost the same, namely the central figure of the woman died. Then from the grave arise food crops.
Not only in Indonesia, Curt Sarch the author of World History of the Dance reveals that long before the AD, the Shaman has created a ritual rain dance with joy. If you are curious what kind of ghost or a rain dance this dance, look at the figure of Jim Morrison when he was appearing on stage and in a state of trance. Morrison is obsessed with Indian culture will be danced wildly. That’s the ghost dance.
In the Amazon tribes, there are dance called Dance Itogapuk. This dance form the movement of men and women who are united with each other, circling a crop, pressed each other’s hips and held for female dancers and then taken away.
Ben Suharto, the author of Tayub; Performing and Fertility Rite, revealed that fertility ritual dance is always trying to achieve a mystical about sexual attitudes in a way different from sex or bring people closer to each other way around.
Seblang any dance, symbolizing fertility symbol with a crown worn by the dancers which are decorated with flowers of different colors symbolizing fertility.
One conclusion to be drawn from this is how women were an important figure in myths of fertility, both plant fertility and reproductive fertility.As contained in the passage from an ancient manuscript called the Atharvaveda, which reads “Women come as a land of life; sprinkle the seeds into it, oh the boys.”
Seblang ritual
At first art is an art form based Seblang mithologi, allegedly seblang are remnants of the Hindu culture which many embraced by the people of Indonesia in the past.
According to the first story Seblang conducted in every village in Banyuwangi, now only can be found in two villages in the district environment Glagah, Banyuwangi, the village and Olihsari Bakungan (Olehsari). While there are some differences between the two, but basically the same cored, namely: Subtle Spirit summoned to dance through wadag a woman.
Seblang ceremony usually done in the countryside, allegedly at the XVI century, had moved into the palace by a nobleman named LOKENTO Blambangan. But Hall made Seblang Duchy and known people with the name “Seblang Lokento” It has now been destroyed.
This ritual is performed to clean the purposes of the village and refused reinforcements, so that the village remained in a safe and peaceful. This ritual is the same as Sintren ritual in the area of Cirebon, Jaran braid, and Sanghyang on the island of Bali.
Organisation Seblang dance in the two villages is also different time, in the village Olihsari held one week after Idul Fitri, while in villages adjacent Bakungan, held a week after the Eid al-Adha.
The selected dancers supernaturally by the local shaman, and usually the dancers must be selected from the descendants of previous seblang dancers. In the village Olihsari, dancers must be girls who have not grown baliq, while in Bakungan, dancers must be women aged 50 years and over who had menopause (menopause).
Seblang dance is actually a very old tradition, it was difficult to trace the origins of commencement. However, historical records show that the first known Seblang is Spring, which also became the first woman Gandrung dance pioneer (died 1973). After recovering from his illness, then vows her mother (Mak Mak Midah or dice) must also be met, Semi finally made seblang in his childhood until the age when teens start to become a dancer stepping Gandrung.
Seblang dance begins with a ceremony that was opened by the village shaman or diviner. The dancers closed his eyes by the mothers who is behind it, holding Tempeh (tray woven from bamboo). The shaman bloat the dancer with the smoke of incense while reading incantations. After the trance dancer (or kejiman taksadarkan themselves in local terms), with a fall of Tempeh before, then the show began. The kejiman seblang already been dancing with monotonous movements, eyes closed and follow the direction of the diviner or shaman and the rhythm of the piece played. Sometimes they dance around the village. After a while dancing, then the seblang threw a rolled up scarf into the audience, the audience is exposed to such scarves have to be willing to dance with the Seblang. If not, then he will be pursued by Seblang to want to dance.
Seblang musical accompaniment consists of only one drum, one kempul or gongs and two sawn. While in Olihsari plus the violin as an addition to musical effects.
In terms of fashion, dancer and Bakungan Seblang in Olihsari have little differences, especially on the part omprok or crown.
In Seblang dancers in the village Olihsari, omprok usually made from the stem of banana-Suwir disuwir to cover part of the dancer’s face, while on its top the fresh flowers that are usually taken from the garden or the area around the cemetery, and supplemented with a small glass is placed in omprok middle.
At dancers seblang Bakungan region, which consumes very omprok omprok resembles that used in the show Gandrung, only materials used are made from the stem of bananas and fresh flowers decorated although not as many dancers in Olihsari seblang. In addition to the mystical elements, rituals Seblang also provide entertainment for visitors and local residents, where a lot of funny scenes that displayed by the dancers of this seblang.
Seblang ritual art ceremony is one form of sacred dance tradition of agrarian spiritual motivation. Aiming for the prosperity of society, by seeking fertility of the soil or away from diseases. By conducting Seblang, local communities will be spared from the catastrophe.
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