For the people of Using / Osing, barong is a symbol of togetherness. Ritual anything in Banyuwangi almost never escape from this dance. The word ‘barong’ is derived from language Using, together meaning together.
History of Barong
There are many versions about the history of the barong in Banyuwangi. However, its meaning remains the same, “togetherness”
Being sacred Barong
There is a story, barong battle stems from two noble magic of Bali and Blambangan. They, Minak Bedewang and Alit Sawung. Without a clear cause, both involved a great battle. They fight relentlessly until the long term. None of the wounded. Each uses a form of magic is terrible, a big tiger and eagle. Two manifestations of this terrible fight. His voice is exactly the thunder boomed. Although attacking each other, the two knights were still as strong. Up came a strange sound from the sky. Vote no way to stop the fighting reminded. Both were asked to make peace. Finally, the two hideous beings that are united. Since then, the community has a form barong Using as a symbol of togetherness. It is believed, barong could expel evil influences, disease and all hazards. Until now, dances and barong Barong very sacred. Before danced, barong must be given a special ritual. If not, would be dangerous for the dancers and local community. Barong is also not arbitrary danced. Ider danced mainly to the earth or the village for safety. Value mystical barong maintained. Those who are entitled to dance barong is the natural choice.
Barong Arts Version 2
Another version mentions barong art originated from China, which entered at the time of Majapahit Java. There are similarities between the barong and Chinese lion dance, which was developed in the Tang Dynasty VII-X century.
Barong Kemiren Arts
Barong Kemiren is the original art from Kemiren village, Glagah. One of his original culture Kemiren, Andi (45), tells the barong Kemiren original inventions by ancient Kemiren residents. His name, Sanimah the 16th century. Barong ancient form ugly, ugly. Ancient Barong is then passed to his son, Tompo (Grandmother Buyut Tompo / Mbah Tompo).
During the Dutch colonialism, Tompo fled to the city with a barong. In the city, met Tompo Sukip and Win an expert to make barong. Impressed, Tompo that many have asked two experts barong money was to create one. Thus was born the new barong better. After the war struggle against the Dutch, Tompo back to Kemiren, carrying his new barong. Since then, popular in the community in Kemiren barong. Barong Tompo then passed on to Surtaman and Samsuri. From this grew the Barong artistry until now.
nother case according to the narrative about the barong Kemiren Sucipto, at approximately 1647 Mbah Tompo dreaming asked to make barong. Together with his friend, champion Soeb, both execute commands in the dream. “Strangely, when making barong, their hands moving like someone. Be like the barong barong form known today,” said Chairman Barong Budoyo Tresno this. Barong made Mbah Soeb Tompo and this is what continues to be used up to now. It is estimated that approximately 361 years old barong. Although he was already many centuries, barong physically intact. Barong is to be kept by the descendants of Mbah Tompo, which now has reached the fourth generation. It is said that time is another story again, in the village there are performances Seblang Kemiren played Grandparent Sapua. When the dancers seblang possessed, there was a dialogue with the Old Man Buyut Tompo for staging seblang moved to the village Ole-Olean (Olehsari), whereas in the staged art Kemiren village barong. Since then there are provisions that must be held firmly by the society, namely Kemiren village communities are not allowed to perform seblang, and vice versa Olehsari society should not be staged barong. Art created BuyutTompo Barong is based on the ancestral community Kemiren, grandparent Buyut Chile, the figure who dimitoskan and regarded as Danyang or Kemiren village guards. Therefore, each staging, ie when the barong has possessed the incoming / permeate is Eyang Buyut Chile.
Barong Dance Ritual In some Procession In Kemiren
At first, this art is performance art that is sacred and acting carried out only at certain moments, for example during a ceremony held in village clean the first week of Hajj (the Great). However, today the art of barong has become a show that is entertainment that can be performed at weddings, circumcisions, or other artistic performances. This art is folk art that specifically contain the hallmark Using both involving music, dance, dialogue, and story
Barong Dance is usually accompanied by some typical gamelan, such as drums, kecrek, gongs and percussion. At first glance, gamelan-like Barong Kuda Lumping and Reog Ponorogo. The difference, Barong not use the horn. Personal Barong 12 people, consisting of two Barong dancer, two dancers form of chicken. Barong danced two people, in the head and in the tail. Gending accompanist Barong laden life advice. The music is dynamic as people fight as a symbol of togetherness. There are about 20 types gising Barong accompaniment. Among other things, orange flower, prejengan and kopyahan. In one dance membutuhakan about 2 hours. Barong Dance dance ends Fighting Chicken, a symbol of victory atmosphere.
The Marriage Feast
It is an obligation for local people perceive barong Kemiren in any lavatory. With perceive barong, the bride expects household always happy and gets a lot of luck. Community Kemiren also make this event as an entertainment that never cracked.
When the procession is usually line-macanan tiger in front of the barong, barong behind, a pair of bride sitting on a horse-drawn carriage. The convoy paraded around the village and ends at the home of the bride. This spectacle called Barong Kemiren procession, which ditanggap in urination traditional marriage in the village which is 6 kilometers from the city of Banyuwangi that ..
Barong Kemiren could also invited all night long. With three stages of the story, barong played. Barong Kemiren not just be art ditanggap to entertain. By villagers, mostly farmers, barong is very sacred because it is believed to have magical powers of ancestral spirits.
Net Ceremony Village
Indigenous stakeholders Kemiren village, Serad, storytelling, barong worn in the village clean ceremony, performed every each of 2 Shawwal or Lebaran (Idul Fitri) second, called the ceremony Idher Bumi. Barong with gamelan wasps around the village and closed with a meal together along the road village.
In the event Ider Bumi there are four types that are displayed and barong dance has its own story. The four types are Barong Barong Parents, Teens Barong, Barong children and Lion Dance. The fourth type of Barong is a symbol of the generations that inhabit Kemiren village. Lion Dance in the event the exclusion is because the village is famous for its village Kemiren Using it turns out there are other ethnic inhabit it, namely Chinese.
A similar event held annually on 1-month pilgrimage by making a thousand cone or known by the salvation “Tumpeng Sewu”. “This ritual is a public thanksgiving for good fortune given excessive,” Serad added. Barong as a means of fertility rituals seen in the food, ie food crops, like rice cone and vegetables, snack market, kependhem nutmeg, mace gumandhul, and nutmeg kesimpar. Apart from this ritual performed to honor Danyang Kemiren village to village prosperity to stay awake and away from disaster.
there is a history of 20 years ago. This ceremony was abandoned because of heavy rain. A few days later, the wife of one of the heirs barong trance. He yelled angry because Idher Earth is not held. Not long after, her baby died. “We fear that until the ritual is held Idher Earth,” said Serad.
The sacredness of Barong is also used for the treatment of disease. Drugs taken from the incense that burned in the lower body barong, then dissolved in water, which is believed to cure various diseases, from blindness to pain perut.mulai at 21:00 until 06:00 the next day.
Barong And Regeneration
Is Sucipto, 45, a gentleman born in Banyuwangi, the center seeks to regenerate for the arts was not extinct. Seeing the players an increasingly aging art barong age, making him restless. Without losing its authenticity, it’s easier to grip art can provoke interest among the young. “I do not want to dwell on the grip. I make dances and the stories themselves are more easily memorized to young people. When I play into a half-hour short course,” said Sucipto, who has been playing barong since a child. Of the three stages of the story in barong, Sucipto distill them into one step. Fill over-charged story of moral message, invite people to respect each other and do not take the rights of others. Yeah, right. More than 50 young people volunteered to play Kemiren village barong. Sucipto choose 36 people. On May 21, 2007, formed the Barong lancing (virgin) or Barong Sapujagat, whose members come from junior high and high school age teens. He also formed a Barong Little from among kindergarten and elementary school. All equipment adapted to the abilities of these children. “I am a Kemiren. If it was not me, who want to continue the barong Kemiren cares?” Barong Reserve chairman said this Kemiren Budoyo. Apparently Sucipto appreciated the efforts of society. Proved some time ago, had been invited Barong lancing East Java Governor Imam Utomo, held a gig at an event in Surabaya.
Efforts to preserve the art of Banyuwangi Barong in increasingly enhanced by the holding of the Barong Dance Festival for the category of groups of adults and children with the assessment and creation of art creations gising barong displayed.
Earlier in Banyuwangi that still retain approximately orisinilitas barong arts were four groups, Barong Art Kemiren, Mandalikan, Mangli, and Jambersari. However, from the fourth group only Barong Kemiren arts groups are still intact ” The Oseng ” and frequent performances. Finally Barong dance Kemiren be typical of Banyuwangi, even one tourism icon Blambangan soil. Barong Kemiren ever gig in Osaka, Japan, in the traditional festivals of the world.
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