Angklung Caruk ArtBanyuwangi city deserves to be called art city, because it has many performing arts masterpieces bequeathed by our ancestors, one of the arts angklung gluttonous. For some communities, especially communities Osing Banyuwangi gluttonous Angklung art is not foreign. About a decade ago, this art still shows itself in several events organized society such as wedding ceremonies, circumcisions and other events such as independence day celebration. But now this is very rare in the encounter.
To my knowledge, environment around where I live in the district which is one of Glagah-majority areas Osing was never staged again this art.
Actually, this art is very unique because become one element of sportsmanship between groups or "panjak" (the title in the language Osing drummer) with other groups. Before speaking further be worthwhile to know in advance the description of the Angklung gluttonous.

Gluttonous Angklung is one of the various arts that developed in Banyuwangi. At first angklung used by farmers in the rice fields to unwind while resting. Angklung placed on a high or a community cottage called "paglak", so called "angklung paglak". In addition farmers also liked to use angklung in time to harvest their fields as musical accompaniment. Uniquely anciently a farmer harvesting the rice has a tradition of "ngersoyo" (mutual cooperation), the owner of the harvest paddy fields assisted by relatives and neighbors so that the owners of fields gives an entertainment to people who had helped him in his rice field with angklung placed in " paglak ". Penabuhnya usually consists of only two to three people. Instrument consists of a angklung (similar to angklung in Bali) and small drums. While beating the angklung penabuhnya also sang gending-typical gending Fables. From this ravenous angklung formed.
Why is it called agklung gluttonous? "Gluttonous" is Osing language which means "gathering" or "meet", so angklung gluttonous had understanding of two arts groups angklung reunited on one stage. Two of these arts groups clashing dexterity in playing angklung. At the first session started with the show angklung gluttonous "larasan" ie dance show hosted by a man from each group called a "clown". They dancing replacement as agreed. Then at the next session "adol gending" ie for example group A gives the cue in the form of beats in a song Banyuwangian addressed to group B, and if the group B knew knocking the knocking continued until Markowitz a live musical accompaniment if the group B can not or one trip amid the group A mock vice versa. Despite the "solid-alloy" (burlesque and ridicule). Uniquely both groups and supporting each other to maintain sportsmanship and harmony.

But it is very unfortunate, in this era of globalization is very rare even never angklung gluttonous arts show him self. Now people are more likely Osing koploan likes dangdut. I myself as a young generation who live in this era of art just never menonoton angklung gluttonous about two times for a lifetime, the last time my time watching angklung gluttonous sitting in sixth grade. Hopefully I can see again in the future. Must be as young people must recognize and help preserve the cultural heritage of noble ancestors, so too the government must also provide support and appreciation to the principals of art, such as hold a festival every day so ravenous Angklung Banyuwangi, so that this art will still exist.

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