karapan sapi is a term given to the race cow ( Bull ) that came from the island of Madura, East Java.In this race, sort of a pair of oxen pulling a wooden cart (the jockey standing and controlling the cow pairs) are also managed in the race racing against other couples cow. Track races are usually around 100 meters race and the race can take about ten to fifteen seconds. Several towns in Madura cattle karapan held in August and September each year, with the final at the end of September or October in the city to fight over the trophy Pamekasan President.
Bull race was preceded by pairs of cows paraded around the racetrack with gamelan accompaniment saronen called Madura. The first round is the determination of the winning and losing groups. The second act is the determination champion defeated group, while the third round is to determine the champion to win the group. President of the trophy awarded to the champion just win the group.
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